Adding, editing, or deleting a syllabus item

The Syllabus tool is available from your site's menubar. If you don't see the Syllabus tool, the site owner may have chosen not to use it. Site owners can add the Syllabus tool using Site Info; see Adding, removing, hiding, or reordering tools.

Note: To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. To determine your role, follow the directions in Participant roles. For a basic understanding of roles and permissions, see Permissions and roles: Overview.

On this page:

Adding a syllabus item

To add a syllabus item:

  1. In the menubar, click Syllabus.

  2. Click Create/Edit, and then click Add.

  3. Enter a title for your syllabus item, and then enter your content. You can copy and paste text from another file (e.g., an HTML file or a Word document).

    Note: Pasting text from Microsoft Word directly into the WYSIWYG editor may result in garbled output, even if the text appears correct in the editor. Instead, to insert formatted text from a Word document, click the Paste from Word icon, and paste using Ctrl-v or Command-v. For details, see Pasting from Microsoft Word.

    Some users have reported problems using Paste from Word in Internet Explorer 9; for best results, use a supported browser. See Which browser should I use?

  4. Choose whether to have the item viewable only by members of the site or by anyone (Public View).

  5. Under "Attachments", you can attach a file from your local computer or from Resources, or specify the URL for a file on the web. For instructions, see Options for adding attachments.

  6. Choose whether to have members of the site notified automatically via email when the item is posted.

  7. When you are finished, click Post to post the item, Preview to view it, Save Draft to save it as a draft, or Cancel to cancel.

  8. Click Update.

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Editing a syllabus item

To edit a syllabus item:

  1. In the menubar, click Syllabus.

  2. Click Create/Edit, and then click the name of the item you wish to edit.

  3. Make your changes, and then click Post to post the item to your site, Preview to view it, Save Draft to save it as a draft, or Cancel to cancel.

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Deleting a syllabus item

To delete a syllabus item:

  1. In the menubar, click Syllabus.

  2. Click Create/Edit.

  3. To the right of the item you wish to remove, check the box under Remove.

  4. Click Update, and then click Delete to confirm.

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