Site types: Overview

What they are

Key concepts

Customization: You can choose from features and functions to create sites that meet your needs. Here are some examples:

My Workspace: When you log in, you will automatically open a site called My Workspace. All users get their own My Workspace site.

Tabs: When you log in, the course, project, and portfolio sites to which you belong are displayed as tabs across the top of the screen. To enter a site, click its tab. If you belong to more sites than can be displayed as tabs, click - more - to access the rest.

You can choose to hide sites (e.g., course sites from previous semesters) or reorder them (i.e., choose which sites to display in tabs) using the Preferences tool in My Workspace; see Showing, hiding, and ordering sites.

Menubar: Sites can have just a few or several functions (including announcements, a schedule, an online discussion area, assignments, electronic resources, a chat area, and more). You can choose which tools to include in your site, and they are added to the menubar along the left side of the screen. To access a tool, click its name in the menubar. Sites also have a home page, accessed by clicking Home in the menubar.

Things to consider

Help documentation

For help documentation about sites, see Sites.