Importing a calendar

Importing a calendar

Note: Before importing a calendar, you must use your calendaring program to export its information as a file. When you do so, make note of the file's location.

When working with Outlook calendars, for best results, export the calendar as a Windows .csv file, and when importing, choose Microsoft Outlook as the type of calendar file.

To import a calendar file:

  1. From the menubar, click Schedule.

  2. Click Import.

    Note: If the Import option doesn't appear, you don't have permission to import a calendar. In some sites' calendars, including your My Workspace, you may be able to change your permission settings. To do so, click Permissions, check the boxes under "import", and then click Save.

  3. Select the type of calendar file you are importing (Microsoft Outlook, Meeting Maker, or Generic calendar import (comma-separate values)), and then click Continue.

  4. Click Browse... and browse to the calendar file you want to import. When you have selected it, click Continue.

  5. You should now see a preview of the items to be imported. Uncheck items you don't want to import. If you would like to import events for a specific group, select Import events for selected groups, and then select the desired group.

  6. Click Import Events to add the imported items.