Viewing course grades

In Gradebook, both students and instructors can view current scores.


When you enter Gradebook, depending on what information your instructor has made available, you will see one or both of the following:


Setting score display options

Instructors can choose to make available individual gradebook items, as well as cumulative course grades. See Making grades available to students.

Viewing grades

When you enter Gradebook, you will see an average course grade for the class and a list of individual gradebook items. You can view cumulative scores using one of the following options.

Note: When viewing grades in tables, you can sort on many of the columns; click the column heading by which you want to sort the table. Subsequently clicking the same column heading will switch the sorting order between ascending and descending. (The Gradebook currently does not use first names for sorting. If you have several students with the same last name, Gradebook will not sort those students properly based on their first names.)