Posting and responding to Forum messages

In the Forums tool, you can post messages about topics, and post responses to the messages of other participants.

On this page:

Posting a new message

To post a message about a forum topic:

  1. In the Forums tool, click the title of the topic for which you'd like to post a message.

  2. Click Post New Thread. The Compose Forum Message screen will open.

  3. Next to "Title", type the subject of your message.

  4. Under "Message", use the WYSIWYG editor to compose your message.

  5. Under "Attachments", you can attach a file from your local computer or from Resources, or specify the URL for a file on the web; see Options for adding attachments.

  6. When you're finished:

    • To post your message, click Post Message.
    • To cancel your message without saving it, click Cancel.

Note: If the forum or topic is moderated, your message will appear as "PENDING" until approved by a moderator.

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Posting a response to a message or topic

Note: Depending on your role within the site, and how the forum creator configured permissions, you may or may not be able to post a response to another participant's message.

To post a response:

  1. In the Forums tool, click the title of the desired topic, and then the subject of the desired message.

  2. Click Reply (to reply to the message) or Reply to Thread (to reply to the first message in the thread).

  3. Next to "Reply Title", give your reply a title.

  4. Under "Message", use the WYSIWYG editor to compose your reply. To insert a quote of the original message, click Insert Original Text or Insert Original Message Text (located above the WYSIWYG editor).

  5. Under "Attachments", you can attach a file from your local computer or from Resources, or specify the URL for a file on the web; see Options for adding attachments.

  6. When you're finished:

    • To post your message, click Post Message.
    • To cancel your message without saving it, click Cancel.

Note: If the forum or topic is moderated, your message will appear as "PENDING" until approved by a moderator.

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