On this page:
Groups are subsets of participants for a given site. Groups are not preloaded with official course data, and can therefore be created by the instructor. Groups are useful to organize study groups, project teams, and other non-official subsets of site participants.
Note: When combining sections into a parent site, groups from the original sections will not be brought forward. However, each section behaves like a group on the parent site, i.e., group-aware tools recognize each section as a group.
You can use groups with the following tools:
You can access groups with the Site Info and Worksite Setup tools.
To access groups with the Site Info tool:
Site Info
Manage Groups
To access groups with the Worksite Setup tool:
My Workspace
Worksite Setup
Manage Groups
To create a new group:
Create New Group
Project team 1
). You may also add a text
. Repeat this step until you've added all the
members you wish to the group. To select more than one member at a
time, hold down the Ctrl
key (in Windows) or the
key (in Mac OS X), and select
the members you wish to add.
Alternatively, click >>
to move all site participants to the right-hand window, select any
participants you do not want in the group, and click <
remove them.
To create a group containing all users with a specific role, click Auto
, check the role(s) that you want to create groups for, and then
click Update
Note: It is not possible to create a new group based on existing group (i.e., duplicate an existing group).
To edit a group:
To delete a group:
Remove Checked
Delete Groups