Sending, forwarding, and replying to messages

Using Messages, you can send messages to other site participants, and reply to messages sent by other participants.

On this page:

Sending a message

To send a message:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Messages.

  2. On the Messages screen, or while viewing the contents of a Messages folder, click Compose Message.

  3. Next to "To", use the list to select the individual(s) or group(s) you want to receive the message. To select multiple participants, use Ctrl-click (in Windows) or Command-click (in Mac OS X). You can also choose to send your message to the entire site, or to all users with a particular role (e.g., all instructors or all assistants).

  4. Next to "Send", use the radio buttons to choose to send your message either As Message or To Recipients' Email Address(es).

    Note: If you send your message using the To Recipients' Email Address(es) option, your message will go directly to the recipients' email addresses, and a copy will go to both their Received folders and your Sent folder in Messages. Recipients cannot reply to the message via email; they must use the Messages tool.

  5. Under "Label", use the drop-down list to change the priority status for your message.

  6. Next to "Subject", type the subject of your message.

  7. Under "Message", use the WYSIWYG editor to compose your message.

    Note: Pasting text from Microsoft Word directly into the WYSIWYG editor may result in garbled output, even if the text appears correct in the editor. Instead, to insert formatted text from a Word document, click the Paste from Word icon, and paste using Ctrl-v or Command-v. For details, see Pasting from Microsoft Word.

    Some users have reported problems using Paste from Word in Internet Explorer 9; for best results, use a supported browser. See Which browser should I use?

  8. Under "Attachments", you can attach a file from your local computer or from Resources, or specify the URL for a file on the web. For instructions, see Options for adding attachments.

  9. To send your message, click Send.

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Forwarding a message

To forward a message to another recipient:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Messages.

  2. On the Messages screen, click Received to view the messages you've received.

  3. Find and click the message you wish to forward.

  4. Click Forward.

  5. The text of the original message is included in the WYSIWYG editor. To edit and send the forwarded message, follow steps 3 through 9 in Sending a message above.

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Replying to a message

To reply to a message:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Messages.

  2. On the Messages screen, click Received to view the messages you've received.

  3. Find and click the message to which you're replying.

  4. Click Reply or Reply to all.

  5. To compose and send your reply, follow steps 3 through 9 in Sending a message above.

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