To change the default permissions for the Wizards tool, access the tool and follow these steps:
Permission | Description |
Publish | Users in this role may publish wizards for use by the site participants. |
Delete | Users in this role may delete unpublished wizards. |
Create | Users in this role may create and import wizards for use by themselves and/or site participants. |
Edit | Users in this role may change any component of unpublished wizards and a limited number of components of published wizards. |
Review | Users in this role may review participant work in progress in wizards and offer formative feedback on it. |
Evaluate | Users in this role may review work that participants have submitted via wizard pages or wizards as a whole and offer summative feedback on it. |
View | Users in this role may view and complete published wizards that have been created for their use. |
Export | Users in this role may export a wizard to their desktops as a compressed file. |