The Evaluations tool allows users with appropriate permission to evaluate work in a wizard page or matrix cell after it has been submitted for evaluation by a site participant. If you are an evaluator, you use this tool to access the appropriate part of a participant's wizard or matrix, review the work shown there, and provide an evaluation of it.
As an evaluator, you enter your ratings and comments in an evaluation form. This form is created by the site organizer. By carefully designing evaluation forms for wizard pages and matrix cells, the site organizer can incorporate your institution's existing evaluation practices and assessment rubrics, such as evaluation scales and prompts for subjective evaluation, into the process of evaluating wizards and matrices.
To ensure effective reporting and avoid confusion, we strongly recommended that your institution standardize evaluation scales across all wizard pages and matrix cells and across all wizards and matrices.
After you have evaluated a page or cell, your ratings and comments are available to the participant whose work you have evaluated. Your evaluation is also available to other site members who have permission to evaluate or review the page or cell.
The home page contains a list of participant work that is ready to be evaluated. For each title, the list contains its owner (if you have permission to see the name of the owner), the date the work was submitted, and whether the work is contained in a matrix cell or wizard page.
If the list is longer than one page, use the buttons near the top of the screen to find the item you want.