Completing a Matrix

A matrix is a table of columns and rows that contains a customized collection of instructions, forms, files, and other materials. The purpose of these materials is to guide you through learning activities. These activities often take place over a long period of time. Therefore, you may need to access a matrix many times in order to complete it.

To complete part of a matrix (each part of the table is called a "cell"), you access it online, follow the instructions you find there, record information and attach requested materials, reflect on your activities, and receive feedback.

After collecting samples of your work in a matrix, Sakai allows you to create a portfolio to showcase them. To access a matrix and work in one or more of its cells, access the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Click the name of the matrix you want to work with. Sakai displays the matrix you have chosen.The name of the matrix is shown in the upper left corner of the table. The intersection of each column and row forms a cell. Within each cell are instructions for you to follow in order to demonstrate a specific level of competence in a particular area.

    As shown in the legend beneath the table, each cell is color coded to indicate its status.

    • Ready: This cell is available for you to work on.
    • Pending: You have submitted your work in this cell for evaluation.
    • Completed: You have received an evaluation of your work in this cell and are not required to perform any additional work.
    • Locked: This cell is not yet available for you to work on.
  3. To understand the purpose of a particular column or row, use your mouse to move the cursor over it. Sakai displays a short description. To see a longer description, click the title of the column or row.
  4. To work on a cell, click it.
  5. Read the Guidance section carefully. To display an attachment listed on the screen, click its name. Sakai displays the Opening File window. Click the radio button for either Open or Save to Disk and then click OK. Sakai displays the file you have selected. To return to the main screen for this cell, click Back.
  6. Depending on the makeup of the cell and the progress you have made on it to date, choose any or all of the following:
    • Complete the form(s) listed on the screen. For instructions on completing these forms, see "Attaching Your Work," below.
    • Identify any additional items you want to sumbit and attach them to the cell. For instructions on attaching work to a cell, see "Attaching Your Work," below.
    • Reflect on your work. For instructions, see "Reflecting on Your Work," below.
    • Review any formative feedback that has been offered in relation to your work. For instructions, see "Viewing Feedback on Your Work," below.
    • Revise your work. For instructions, see "Revising Your Work," below.
    • Delete forms or work you have attached. For instructions, see "Deleting Forms and Attached Work," below.
    • Submit your work for summative evaluation. For instructions, see "Submitting Your Work for Evaluation," below.
  7. To return to the matrix at any time, click the Back to Matrix button. Sakai displays the matrix.

Attaching Your Work

You may attach samples of your work in the form of files, URLs, HTML, and simple text. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not done so already, upload the appropriate items to Resources. We recommend that you place these items in your My Workspace Resources folder.
  2. In the Items section of the screen for this cell of the matrix, click the Select Additional Items button.
  3. Follow the given instructions. When you have finished, Sakai redisplays the screen for this cell. The item you have added is listed.
  4. Enter basic information about this work by choosing one of these options:
  5. To fill out a form provided to guide your work in the cell (in the example shown above, General Education Form 01), click the Add Form link below the name. Sakai displays the form.
  6. Complete the form and click Add. Sakai saves the information and displays the matrix again.
  7. If you have already filled out a version of this form, it is stored in Resources. To add this version of the form to this cell, click the Select Existing Form link below the name of the completed form you need. When Sakai displays the Resources home page, select the form.
  8. To add additional items, repeat all steps.

Reflecting on Your Work

To enter your reflections on your work, follow these steps:

  1. In the Reflection section of the screen, click the Complete Reflection link. Sakai displays a form.
  2. Complete the form. An entry in the Title box is required. At your institution, other fields may be required as well.
  3. After completing all relevant fields in the form, click Add. Sakai saves the information and displays the cell screen again. The title you entered is now listed in the Items section.

Revising Your Work

Before submitting your work in a cell, you may revise any of the forms you have completed. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Revise link under the name of the form you want to change. Sakai displays the form.
  2. Make changes as needed and click Update. Sakai displays the screen for the cell again. Or, to retun to this screen without making changes, click Cancel.

Deleting Forms and Attached Work

Sakai displays a Delete link beneath the name of each form and item you have attached to a cell.To delete any of these items, simply click the appropriate Delete link. Sakai deletes the item immediately.

Caution: Sakai does not display a delete confirmation message before deleting the item you have selected for removal. Therefore, you should make your selection of an item to delete with care.

Submitting Your Work for Evaluation

When you have completed your work in a cell, submit it for evaluation.

Caution: After you submit your work for evaluation, you cannot access it again to make changes. Therefore, you should make sure that all of your entries are in their final form and are ready for review and comment before you submit your work in a cell.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Submit for Evaluation confirmation button in the Reflection section. Sakai displays a screen asking you to confirm that you want to submit the work for evaluation:
  2. To submit the cell now, click Submit. Or, to cancel the submission process and return to the screen for this cell, click Cancel. If you clicked Submit, Sakai submits your work for evaluation and displays the screen for the cell, along with this message: "Status is pending and cannot be altered".
  3. Return to the matrix by clicking Back to the Matrix.
  4. Notice that the color of this cell has changed. Consult the legend below the matrix to identify the cell's status.

Cells that have been submitted for evaluation appear in the color for "pending."

After a cell has been evaluated, it returns to the "ready" color or changes to the "completed" color. Cells that return to the "ready" color require you to perform additional work and resubmit. Cells that are "completed" are not available to you for additional work.

Viewing Feedback on Your Work

One or more members of the site may be assigned to review matrix cells and provide feedback on the work done in them by site participants. These reviewers may complete a feedback form for any cell that has not yet been submitted. If feedback has been offered for one of your matrix cells, you will notice a completed feedback form listed in the cell. To read the feedback you have received, follow these steps:

  1. In the Feedback section, click the title of an item in the list. In a new window, Sakai displays feedback.
  2. After reading the feedback, close the window.