Completing a Wizard
A wizard is a customized collection of instructions, forms, files, and other materials that guide you through an activity.
You complete the wizard as you perform the various tasks or steps that make up the activity.
To complete a wizard, you access it online, follow its instructions, record information and attach requested materials, reflect
on your activities, and receive feedback. Since wizards often guide you through activities that occur over a long period of
time, you may need to access a wizard several times in order to complete it.
To access a wizard and complete it, access the Wizards tool and follow these steps:
- If the Wizards home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
- Click the name of the wizard you want to work with. Sakai displays the introductory screen for the wizard you chose.
- The top section of the screen shows the name of the wizard. In this section, you may also see an explanation of the wizard's
purpose, provides instructions for completing the wizard, and helpful examples of the wizard in its completed form.
- The middle section contains the various items you will work with as you complete the wizard. All of the items you can access
are shown in blue.
- The bottom section provides an opportunity for you to reflect on this activity and your experience of it.
- To access linked web pages or attached files shown on this screen and in other parts of the wizard, click the appropriate
URLs or file names.
- Following the instructions provided on this screen, access items in the wizard by clicking their names. Each time you click
a name, Sakai presents a screen that contains the information and forms you need.
- To use a form, choose one of these options:
- To fill out the form and attach it, click the Add Form link below the name of the form. Sakai displays the form you have selected.
Complete the form, including the Title field (required; your entry provides a display name for your work in this form), and
click Add. Sakai saves the information and displays the wizard again. It also stores the completed form (by the title you
gave it) in Resources in My Workspace.
- If you have already filled out this form and have stored it in Resources, click the Select Existing Form link. When Sakai
displays the Resources home page, select the form.
- When you have completed a page that calls for submission or have completed the entire wizard, submit the page or wizard for
evaluation. To do so, click the Submit for Evaluation confirmation button. Sakai a screen asking you to confirm that you want
to submit the completed wizard for evaluation.
Caution: After you submit the wizard for evaluation, you cannot access it again to make changes. Therefore, you should make sure that
all of your entries are in their final form and are ready for review and comment before you submit the wizard.
- To submit the wizard now, click Submit. Or, to cancel the submission process, click Cancel.
- To return to the Wizards home page at any point, click the Return to Wizards button.