Portfolio layouts determine the arrangement of items on portfolio pages created by site participants. Each participant can design a portfolio by choosing a layout and using it to display selected items from Resources.
Sakai contains a default portfolio layout that is available to all site participants. If you are a site organizer or otherwise have appropriate permission, you may use the Portfolio Layouts tool to add more portfolio layouts to the site for use by all participants. After creating a layout, you can change and delete it, as needed. You may also use this tool to add preview images to help participants choose appropriate layouts for their portfolios and to change the usage permissions of all users in any given role.
All portfolio layouts are generated by XHTML files, and all layout previews are .jpg files. You must store these files in Resources before using the Portfolio Layouts tool to access them.
The Portfolio Layout tool does not allow you to change portfolio templates.
The Portfolio Layouts tool is usually located in the Design & Publish category. To access the tool, click the Launch button for Portfolio Layouts. Sakai displays the Portfolio Layouts home page.
This page contains a list of all portfolio layouts on the site. If the list is longer than one page, use the buttons under the Portfolio Layouts menu bar to display other pages in the list.