Publishing a Portfolio

After you have created a portfolio, you may publish it for others to view. You have the option of publishing it to groups of people on your site, to individuals outside your site or outside Sakai environment, or to a URL that can be accessed by anyone via a Web browser.

To publish a portfolio, access the Portfolio tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Portfolios home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the portfolio tool you want to publish and click the Publish link below its name. Sakai displays the Select Audience This screen contains two sections: The Publish to a Group or Individual section and the Publish to the Web section.
    • A right-facing arrow in the header for either section indicates that the section is closed. To open it so you can see the boxes in that section, click the arrow.
    • A down-facing arrow in the header for either section indicates that the section is open (that is, its boxes are displayed). To close it, click the arrow.
  3. To make this portfolio available to all site members who are assigned to a particular role and/or to make it available to specific site members, follow these steps:
    • In the Publish to a Group or Individual section, click the appropriate role or name in the Role/Name box. (Roles are listed first, followed by names. You may need to scroll down to see all of the names.) Or hold the CTRL key down as you click multiple roles and/or names.
    • Click the Add button. Sakai displays the roles and names you have chosen in the Selected Audience box.
  4. To share your portfolio with someone who is not a site member, enter the person's email address in the Individual Email box and click Add. Sakai adds that address to the Selected Audience box. Repeat this step for each email address you want to add.
  5. To post your portfolio on the Web, check the Public URL box in the Publish to Web section. Sakai then displays the default URL for this site's portfolios in the box to the right. To specify another URL, change the entry in the box. Caution Checking the Public URL box makes your portfolio publicly accessible by anyone with access to the Web.
  6. After identifying the audience for this portfolio, choose one of these options:
    • To publish the portfolio and notify your audience that it is ready for viewing, click Finish and Notify. Sakai displays this screen:
    • To publish the portfolio without notifying the audience, click Finish. Sakai publishes the work and displays the Portfolios home page.
    • To return to the Step 2 of 3: Design screen, click Back.
    • To return to the home page without publishing the portfolio, click Cancel.
  7. If you clicked Finish and Notify, fill out the fields of the Notify Viewers screen as follows:
    • Check the box for each role or individual user that you want to notify.
    • In Your Message, enter any message that should be included in the email.
  8. To send this message to the selected users, click Send. Sakai sends the message and displays the Portfolios home page again. Or, to return to the home page without publishing the portfolio and sending the message, click Cancel.

Important After you click Send, people who are not members of this site but who are in your selected audience receive two emails. The first email notifies them that an account has been set up for them on the site and provides the login ID and password needed to access it. The second email contains information needed to access your portfolio on that site. In order to view your portfolio, these users must enter information from both emails. Site members who are in your audience receive only one email. This email notifies them that your portfolio is ready to view and provides information needed to access your portfolio.