Styles are sets of fonts, colors, and graphics. Site organizers use styles to control the look of matrix cells, wizards, and wizard pages. Site participants use them to control the look of templates they design themselves.
Guidelines for Using Styles In order to maintain consistency within a matrix or wizard, we recommend that you, the site organizer, apply the same style to all cells in the matrix or all pages of the wizard. Portfolios do not necessarily require this consistency. Site participants who design their own portfolios may want to use more than one style. These users find it most helpful to have a variety of styles available for their work.
If you are a site organizer, you use the Styles tool to "create" a style by uploading a cascading style sheet (that is, a .css file) from Resources, giving it a meaningful name, and (if desired) providing a description of it. This tool also allows you to change the name and description of an existing style, delete a style you no longer need, and change usage permissions of all users in any role.
Once a style has been created in a site or globally using the Portfolio Admin site, the style is available for all members of the site to use.
The Styles tool is usually located in the Design & Publish category of a Portfolo site. To access the tool, click the Launch button for Styles. The CLE displays the Styles home page.
This page contains a list of all styles on the site that you have created and that have been published for others to use. For each style in the list, you can see a description, the name of the person who created the style, and whether it has been suggested for publication.
If the list is longer than one page, use the buttons under the Styles menu bar to display other pages.