Adding Email Archive to your site

Note: To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. To determine your role, follow the directions in Participant roles. For a basic understanding of roles and permissions, see Permissions and roles: Overview.

Adding Email Archive to your site activates an email address that your site participants can use to communicate with each other. Email sent to your site's email address is copied to all site participants and owners, and all email messages are stored in the Email Archive.

Note: You cannot use Email Archive to send mail to particular individuals. Mail sent to your site's email address is received by all site participants. To send messages to individual participants or a group, use the Messages tool; see Sending, forwarding, and replying to messages.

To add Email Archive to your site's menubar:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Site Info.

  2. Near the top, click Edit Tools.

  3. Check Email Archive, and then scroll down and click Continue.

  4. Under "Email Archive", in the field next to "Site email address", enter a site email address (e.g., history-fall-06). This will be the name, title, or label (i.e., alias) that goes before the @ in your course email address.

  5. Click Continue, and on the subsequent confirmation screen, click Finish.

You should now be able to see and click Email Archive in your site's menubar.