To view student scores and answers to individual questions in Tests & Quizzes:
& Quizzes
, and then click Scores
. By default, the
Total Scores screen will open, displaying a table with the following
information for each participant:Update
to save your changes)
to save your changes)
Note: In addition to providing feedback in the comment text boxes, you can attach files on the Questions page or a student's individual submission page.
Note: By default, the information on the Total Scores screen is sorted alphabetically by participant name. To sort the information using another column, click the name of the column. If you created sections using the Section Info tool, you can use the drop-down list near the top of the screen to choose to view information for a particular section only. If you allowed multiple submissions, you can use the drop-down list near the top of the screen to view only the submission with the highest score.
. Navigate through questions by clicking the
question links near the top of the screen.
Note: This can allow you to quickly compare how all students answered a specific question, but the only way to view written responses is on a per-student basis.
Beneath the cumulative information, each question is listed with a histogram showing the number of students who selected a particular response.
Item Analysis
. Here you can see the percentage who got the question correct among the whole group, the upper 27% of test takers, and the lower 27%. You will also see an index labeled "Discrimination", which measures how well an item is able to distinguish between students who perform well and those who perform poorly.
Note: The tool will not automatically send a score of zero to the gradebook when a student does not take an assessment; to assign a score manually, see Grading an assessment.