Working with HTML pages in Resources

Note: To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. To determine your role, follow the directions in Participant roles. For a basic understanding of roles and permissions, see Permissions and roles: Overview.

Note: This feature does not work with Safari.

Adding an HTML page

To create and display an HTML page in your Resources area:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Resources.

  2. Next to the folder to which you want to add the HTML page, from the Add menu, click Create HTML Page.

  3. Use the WYSIWYG editor to create your page, and then click Continue.

    Note: Pasting text from Microsoft Word directly into the WYSIWYG editor may result in garbled output, even if the text appears correct in the editor. Instead, to insert formatted text from a Word document, click the Paste from Word icon, and paste using Ctrl-v or Command-v. For details, see Pasting from Microsoft Word.

    Some users have reported problems using Paste from Word in Internet Explorer 9; for best results, use a supported browser. See Which browser should I use?

  4. Enter a title and an optional description in the text areas provided.

  5. Choose your resource's copyright status, add copyright information, and display a copyright alert:

    • If you select Use copyright below, a text box will appear in which you can add information about the copyright.
    • For information about copyright and fair use, click more info.
    • If you would like to display the terms to users when they access your resource, select Display copyright alert and require acknowledgment when accessed by others. This option will require users to agree to the copyright terms to view the resource. To see the alert, click what's this? . You cannot edit this alert.

  6. Under "Availability and Access", control who can access the page and when it's available, as follows:

    • To display the resource to site members only, select Only members of this site can see this file. (This option is not available if the folder to which you're adding the resource is publicly viewable.)
    • To share the resource with another site to which you belong (e.g., as an attachment to a syllabus item for another course or project you're leading), select This file is publicly viewable. (This option is not available if the folder to which you're adding the resource is publicly viewable.)
    • To display the resource only to selected groups, select Display this file to selected groups only. , and then select the group(s) that should have access. (This option does not appear if you don't have any groups in your site; for more, see Managing groups.)
    • To show or hide your resource, or set a beginning and/or ending date for its visibility, click the appropriate selections. (This option does not appear when you're adding an item to Resources in My Workspace.) Site administrators will always be able to see hidden items, even when they are hidden from other users.

  7. To add detailed descriptors, click Optional properties. You can then add information to the following fields:

    • Alternate Title
    • Creator
    • Publisher
    • Subject and Keywords
    • Date Created
    • Date Issued
    • Abstract
    • Contributor
    • Audience
    • Audience Education Level

  8. Next to "Email Notification", specify whether or not you want to have members of the site notified automatically via email when the resource is posted. (This option does not appear when you're adding an item to Resources in My Workspace.)

  9. Click Finish.

Editing an HTML page's details

To edit the name, description, copyright status, or availability and access settings for an HTML page, from the Actions menu next to your page's name, click Edit Details. Make your changes, and then click Update to save them.

Updating an HTML page

To update the content of an HTML page, from the Actions menu next to your page's name, click Edit Content. Make your change, and then click Update.