1. Accessibility

    1. Accessibility Information

  2. Announcements

    1. Announcements

    2. Announcements Overview

    3. Create/Edit/Delete Announcement

    4. Post Announcement

    5. Read Announcement

    6. Set Announcement Permissions

    7. Merge Announcement

  3. Assignments

    1. Assignments

    2. Assignments Overview

    3. Create/Add Edit or Delete Assignments

    4. Link Assignment to the Gradebook

    5. Grade Assignment/Review Student Status

    6. Add Attachments

    7. See How Assignments Look

    8. Return Assignments

    9. Resubmit Assignments

    10. Export Assignment Grades

    11. Read Assignments

    12. Duplicate Assignments

    13. Complete and Submit Assignments

    14. Post Assignments

    15. Add Honor Pledge

    16. Check Assignment Grade

  4. BasicLTI

    1. BasicLTI Overview

  5. Become User

    1. Become User Overview

  6. Chat Room

    1. Chat Room

    2. Chat Room Overview

    3. Read/Post/Delete Chat Room Messages

    4. Create New Chat Room

  7. Course/Project Sites

    1. Course/Project Sites

    2. Course/Project Sites Overview

    3. Create/Add/Edit/Delete Work Sites

    4. Add/Edit/Delete Participants

    5. Control Access from Worksite Setup

    6. Publish/Unpublish Site from Worksite Setup

    7. Navigation

    8. Reset Button

  8. Drop Box

    1. Drop Box

    2. Drop Box Overview

    3. Add/Edit/Delete Dropbox Folder

    4. Add/Edit/Delete Dropbox Item

    5. Revise Dropbox Information

    6. View Dropboxes

    7. Copy Dropbox Items

    8. Upload files to Dropbox using WebDAV

  9. Email Archive

    1. Email Archive

    2. Email Archive Overview

    3. Customize Email Archive

    4. Read Message in Email Archive

    5. Send Mail to Participants

    6. Control Who Sends Email

    7. Manage Email

    8. Search Email Messages

    9. Create Email Archive

    10. Delete Email Message

    11. Email Message Formatting and Attachments

    12. Control Number of Messages Displayed

    13. Set Alias for Email Archive

  10. Evaluations

    1. Evaluations Overview

    2. Evaluating Submitted Work

    3. Changing Permissions

  11. Forms

    1. Forms Overview

    2. Resources Tool

    3. Accessing a List of Forms

    4. Creating a Form

    5. Viewing a Form

    6. Changing a Form

    7. Publishing a Form

    8. Requesting that a Form Be Published Globally

    9. Publishing a Form Globally

    10. Exporting and Importing

    11. Changing Permissions

  12. Forums

    1. Forums

    2. Forums Overview

    3. Create forums and topics in Forums

    4. Create a moderated forum

    5. Change the order of forums and topics

    6. Control access to Forums

    7. Revise or delete a forum or topic

    8. Delete a forum message

    9. View Forums

    10. Post and respond to Forum messages

    11. Grade messages in Forums

    12. Participation Statistics

    13. Message notifications

    14. Linking to a message

    15. Emailing message authors

  13. Glossary

    1. Glossary: Overview

    2. Adding a Glossary Term

    3. Changing a Glossary Term

    4. Deleting a Glossary Term

    5. Publishing a Glossary Term

    6. Exporting and Importing

    7. Changing Permissions

  14. Gradebook

    1. Gradebook

    2. Gradebook Overview

    3. Creating/adding, editing, or deleting a Gradebook item

    4. Viewing Gradebook item details

    5. Entering or editing grades

    6. Commenting on grades

    7. Importing Gradebook items from a spreadsheet

    8. Importing grades for existing Gradebook items

    9. Sorting Gradebook tables

    10. Viewing and exporting student grades

    11. Course grade calculations

    12. Viewing course grades

    13. Overriding an autocalculated course grade

    14. Making grades available to students

    15. Calculating and exporting course grades

    16. Using categories and weighted grades

    17. How categories and weighting affect grade calculation

    18. Changing the grade entry, type, and scale

    19. Printing from the Gradebook

  15. LessonBuilder

    1. Lessonbuilder Overview

    2. Add Text to a Page

    3. Add Resources to a Page

    4. Add Multimedia to a Page

    5. Add Assignments to a Page

    6. Add Quizzes to a Page

    7. Add Forum Topics to a Page

    8. Add Additional Pages to a Page

    9. Reorganize content

    10. Allow Student Comments

    11. Allow Student to add their own Pages

    12. Add External Tool using IMS Basic Learning Tool Interoperability Protocol

    13. Change Page Settings

    14. Remove a Top-level Page

    15. Add a Top-level Page

    16. Import a file in Common Cartridge Format

  16. Matrices

    1. Matrices: Overview

    2. Designing a Matrix

    3. Creating a Matrix

    4. Exporting and Importing

    5. Changing a Matrix

    6. Providing Formative Feedback

    7. Changing Permissions

    8. Completing a Matrix

  17. Menubar

    1. Menubar

    2. Menubar Overview

    3. Add/Edit/Delete Tools on Menubar

    4. Add/Edit/Delete Tools on Menubar from Worksite Setup

  18. Messages

    1. Messages

    2. Messages Overview

    3. Send and reply to messages

    4. View and manage messages

    5. Search messages

  19. My Workspace

    1. My Workspace

    2. Workspace Overview

    3. Clicking the Back Button

    4. Set Message of the Day Options

    5. Change My Workspace Information Appearance

    6. Membership

    7. Membership Overview

    8. Join/Unjoin Sites

    9. Worksite Setup

    10. Worksite Setup Overview

    11. Add/Edit/Delete Tools

    12. Add/Edit/Delete Participants in Worksite Setup

    13. Control Access in Worksite Setup

    14. Add Text Description in Worksite Setup

    15. Publish/Unpublish Site in Worksite Setup

    16. Change Roles in Worksite Setup

    17. Edit Info in Worksite Setup

    18. Preferences

    19. Preferences Overview

    20. Adjusting the time zone

    21. Change Notification Preferences

    22. Show, hide and order sites

    23. Privacy Status

    24. Supported browsers

    25. Pasting text in Firefox

    26. Options for adding attachments

  20. News

    1. News

    2. News Overview

    3. Add/Edit/Delete News

    4. View News Feed

  21. Permissions and Roles

    1. Permissions/Roles

    2. Permissions/Roles Overview

    3. Change Roles from Site Info

    4. Change Roles from Worksite Setup

    5. Participant Roles

    6. Permissions, roles and tools

    7. Add/Edit/Delete Participants from Worksite Setup

    8. Add/Edit/Delete Participants

    9. Control Access from Site Info

    10. Create/Add/Edit/Delete Worksites

    11. Control Access from Worksite Setup

    12. Change Permissions for Tool

    13. Types/Realms/Roles/Permissions Relationships

  22. Podcasts

    1. Podcasts

    2. Podcasts Overview

    3. Add/Edit/Delete A Podcast

    4. Download/Subscribe to Podcasts

    5. Edit Podcasts RSS Feed Information

    6. Manage Access to Podcasts RSS Feed

  23. Polls

    1. Polls Overview

  24. Portfolio Layouts

    1. Portfolio Layouts: Overview

    2. Adding a Layout

    3. Changing a Layout

    4. Deleting a Layout

    5. Requesting that a Layout Be Published Globally

    6. Publishing a Layout Globally

    7. Changing Permissions

  25. Portfolio Templates

    1. Portfolio Templates Overview

    2. Resources Tool

    3. Preparing to Create a Template

    4. Creating a Template

    5. Publishing a Template

    6. Changing a Template

    7. Copying a Template

    8. Exporting and Importing

    9. Deleting a Template

    10. Changing Permissions

  26. Portfolios

    1. Portfolios - Overview

    2. Planning a Portfolio

    3. Accessing the Portfolios Tool

    4. Creating a Portfolio

    5. Design your own Portfolion

    6. Create a Template-Based Portfolio

    7. Changing a Portfolio

    8. Publishing a Portfolio

    9. Downloading (Exporting)

    10. Deleting a Portfolio

    11. Viewing a Portfolio

    12. Leaving a Comment

    13. Managing Comments

    14. Viewing All Comments

    15. Viewing Your Comments

    16. Who Viewed Your Portfolio

    17. Changing Permissions

  27. Post'Em

    1. Post'Em

    2. Post'Em Overview

    3. Using Post'Em

    4. Downloading, updating, or deleting a Post'Em file

    5. Viewing feedback in a Post'Em file

  28. Profile2

    1. Profile2 Overview

    2. Your Profile

    3. Adding an image

    4. Managing your pictures

    5. Updating your status

    6. Searching for people

    7. Managing your connections

    8. Viewing other peoples profiles

    9. Sending messages

    10. Privacy controls

    11. Preferences

  29. Reset Password

    1. Reset Password Overview

  30. Resources

    1. Resources

    2. Resources Overview

    3. View/open item

    4. View item details

    5. Working with folders

    6. Working with files

    7. Working with web links (URLs)

    8. Working with HTML pages

    9. Working with text documents

    10. Working with citation lists

    11. Make resources publicly accessible

    12. Find the URL of an item

    13. Move item

    14. Copy item

    15. Rename item

    16. Delete item

    17. Reorder items

    18. Create group folders

    19. Change folder permissions

    20. Make an item visible again

    21. Unsupported characters

    22. WebDAV Overview

    23. Using WebDAV with Windows XP or Vista

    24. Using WebDAV with Mac OS X

    25. Finding your siteID

  31. Rich-text Editor

    1. Pasting from Microsoft Word

  32. Roster

    1. Roster

    2. Roster Overview

    3. Viewing your roster

    4. Printing your roster

    5. Export your roster

  33. Schedule

    1. Schedule

    2. Schedule Overview

    3. Schedule summary

    4. Add, edit or delete item

    5. Add attachment to item

    6. View item details

    7. Add or delete calendar fields

    8. Change view

    9. Print calendar

    10. Merge calendars

    11. Import a calendar

  34. Search

    1. Search Overview

    2. Basic Search

    3. Advanced Search

    4. Administration

  35. Section Info

    1. Section Info Overview

    2. Sections and Groups

    3. Creating, editing, or deleting a section

    4. Add site members to sections

    5. Add teaching assistants to sections

  36. Site Info

    1. Site Info

    2. Site Info Overview

    3. Edit Site

    4. Edit Site from Worksite Setup

    5. Add or remove tools

    6. Manage Groups

    7. Control Access

    8. Add/Edit/Delete Participant

    9. View Particpants

    10. Add Text Description

    11. Change Participant Roles

    12. Publish/Unpublish Site

    13. Change Site Appearance

    14. Add/Remove Class or Section

    15. Import from Site

    16. View Site Information

    17. Duplicate Site

    18. Tools for managing email

  37. Site Stats

    1. Site Stats Overview

    2. Summary Statistics

    3. View Reports

    4. Print/Export Reports to file

    5. Add/Edit/Duplicate/Delete Reports

    6. Edit Preferences

  38. Sites

    1. Sites Overview

    2. Add/Revise/Delete Site

    3. Add/Edit/Delete Site Pages

    4. Add/Edit/Remove Site Tools

  39. Styles

    1. Styles: Overview

    2. Adding a Style

    3. Changing a Style

    4. Deleting a Style

    5. Requesting that a Style Be Published Globally

    6. Publishing a Style Globally

    7. Changing Permissions

  40. Syllabus

    1. Syllabus

    2. Syllabus Overview

    3. Create/Add/Edit/Delete Syllabus Item

    4. Display a Webpage for Syllabus

    5. Create Syllabus

    6. Change Sequence of Syllabus Item

    7. Undo or change redirected Syllabus

    8. Read Syllabus

    9. Print Syllabus

  41. Test and Quizzes

    1. Tests/Quizzes

    2. Tests/Quizzes Overview

    3. Create New Assessment

    4. Create Questions

    5. Formatting Questions for Quick Create

    6. Preview Assessment

    7. Restrict Access to Published Assessments

    8. Order Questions

    9. Available Settings

    10. Available Question Types

    11. Formatting Toolbar

    12. Add/Create/Edit/Delete Template

    13. Give an Assessment

    14. Publish an Assessment

    15. Modify Assessment

    16. Modify Published Assessment

    17. Retract Published Assessment

    18. Delete Assessment

    19. Export Assessment

    20. Question Pools

    21. Add/Move/Copy/Remove Question Pools

    22. Add Questions to Question Pool

    23. Control Access to Question Pool

    24. Move Questions

    25. Edit Metadata

    26. Create Survey

    27. Take Assessment

    28. Resume Taking Assessment

    29. View Student Scores And Answers

    30. Send Assessment Scores to Gradebook

  42. User Membership

    1. User Membership Overview

    2. Adding User Membership tool

    3. Granting tool access to other users

    4. Using the tool

  43. Web Content

    1. Web Content Overview

    2. Add/Edit/Delete Web Content Item

  44. Wiki

    1. Wiki Overview

    2. Viewing pages

    3. Editing pages

    4. Creating new pages

    5. Adding images and attachments

    6. Viewing page info

    7. Viewing page history

    8. Setting permissions

    9. Adding the Wiki tool to your site

  45. Wizards

    1. Wizards: Overview

    2. Designing a Wizard

    3. Building a Wizard

    4. Changing a Wizard

    5. Deleting a Wizard

    6. Publishing a Wizard

    7. Exporting and Importing

    8. Providing Formative Feedback

    9. Changing Permissions

    10. Completing a Wizard

  46. Worksite Info

    1. Home/Worksite Information

    2. Home/Worksite Information Overview

    3. Change size of Worksite Information Box

    4. Add/modify content in Worksite Information Box